Tuesday, August 17, 2010

Cindy came again!! Yeah!!!

Cindy decided she had more to see of DC & Virginia, so while she was home from Malaysia on her annual summer break, she flew out to see us!! And as usual we had a great time!!!

The day after Cindy arrived, the forecast called for sunny skies, so we headed to Shenandoah National Park, one of our favorite places. It was beautiful as usual!! What a way to appreciate God's creation!!

These 2 were wandering down the road!!

We decided to go on one of the many hiking trails in the Park this time and we were not disappointed!! Dark Hollow falls was beautiful, although it was much easier going down the trail than back up!!

Cindy hadn't been to Mt. Vernon yet, so of course we had to go!! Dan & I can never get enough of it!!

Old Town Alexandria is fairly close to Mt. Vernon so we headed there to see some of the historic buildings. Some of the streets are still cobblestoned which is pretty cool!

We went into Christ Church where George Washington had a pew & Robert E. Lee was confirmed. These plaques are on the pews & altar rail. It's a beautiful old church!!

We took Cindy out to dinner at our favorite Clyde's restaurant. Actually, Dad & Mom Z. treated us- Thanks Dad & Mom!!

Dan couldn't take all the days off that Cindy was here, but that was ok! Gave us a chance to have a girl's day out! I took Cindy to Middleburg, VA. and we had lunch at the Red Fox Inn. It was built in 1728 and once served as headquarters & a hospital for the Confederates. In fact the top the bar was made from the field operating table used by an Army surgeon!! It became the Red Fox Inn in 1937 and is a very charming place to eat & stay! After lunch we strolled the town and window shopped.

On Cindy's last day, she wanted to go into DC just to stroll, so since Dan had to work in the morning she & I drove in & started walking! We had made a lunch, but the hot dogs at the hot dog stands along Connecticut Ave. were calling to us!!

We headed up to the Lincoln Memorial and sat on the steps watching people and gazing over the Reflection pool, WWII memorial, & the Washington Monument. Dan met up with us there.

Dan & I hadn't spent much time in the Smithsonian Castle (the original Smithsonian Institute building) so we stopped there for awhile to see the gardens outside and then some of the exhibits inside.

Just down the street & across the Mall is the National Gallery of Art's Sculpture Garden. Interesting sculptures don't you think??

The Marine Corp. does a drum & rifle exhibition at the Iwo Jima Memorial on Tues. evenings during the summer, so we stayed in town for that, but first we had dinner along the Potomac River at the Washington Harbor.

Cindy, you are great to have as a guest!! We enjoy our time with you so much!! You may be able to squeeze in another trip before we head back to Seattle! You never know!!!

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