Sunday, December 20, 2009

(Not So) Fun in the Snow!

Well, the snow continued well into Saturday night. Before bed we took a few more pics that looked interesting.

Somewhere under this mound is our grill!

Does this give any indication how deep it was? This is the railing on our deck.

The Christmas lights on our front bushes looked pretty under a layer of snow.

This made for a perfect night for our annual "White Christmas" movie night!

This morning we woke up to a bright, clear, crisp sunny day. The enjoyment of yesterday soon gave way to the realization that today we would need to shovel snow - without a snow blower!

Dan and Barb take turns digging out. Our final measure in the driveway was about 20 inches.

Barb, do you know where I left my grill? The drifts on the deck were over Dan's knees.

After a few hours we had the driveway cleared and moved enough snow off the pipestem (r) so we could get to the street.

We really did enjoy it. As we said in our last blog, we hadn't seen a snow fall like this since we left Crystal Lake. However, if we have to do this again, we are buying a snow blower!

1 comment:

Stinson 9598K Restoration said...

Wow! Just think...if it weren't for global warming and living in a place full of hot air (politicians), you would have had 3 feet of snow!