Sunday, June 27, 2010

Memorial Sunday BBQ

Despite all our adventures in exploring the area, sometimes we do things at home.  Sunday afternoon of Memorial Day weekend, after church, we hosted our home group for an afternoon barbecue.  We have great friends in the Lord from Clear River Community Church, and we had a wonderful time.

Barbara Finity, Elizabeth Kraft, and Annie Daknis gather around the serving table.

It was a hot day, so staying in the shade was the first order of business.  The Jenkins, Henry's, and Kerry Kraft hang out by the fence (l), while the Trujillos, Tracy Darling, Nathan Kraft, Bob Calvillo and the Vandemark's gather under a tree.

Hope, Andrew, Bob and Bryan brave the sun while they play a spirited round of bocce ball in the front.

Later in the day the shade allowed us to congregate on the deck.  The brats, burgers, fruits, salads and cold drinks were great, but the friendships made the day.  They stayed until almost 6 PM, and what a fun time we all had! 

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